2019-08-03 - Georgetown Murals

^z 30th April 2023 at 10:07am

~17.4 mi @ ~13.6 min/mi

"Hi, Roadkill!" says Vixen as she dashes by. Small world, esp. on Saturday mornings when long training runs converge on the Georgetown DC waterfront. From Lock #10 on the C&O Canal, 0600 sharp, at K2's suggestion Dawn Patrol commences a quest for coffee. The towpath leads us downstream past deer, turtles, spiderwebs, great blue herons, ducks and ducklings, cardinals, and birds with scary-long-sharp beaks (a variety of heron?). The bright new mural on Water Street features JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" as well as "Liebe" (German for "Love") framed in roses.

"Today it's my turn to crash and burn!" Roadkill suffers (dehydration? old age? excess weight? can't be aftereffects of last night's track meet!) and is thankful for kind companions who tolerate his ever-lengthening walk breaks. Runners in a 5k race flow past. At Starbucks all call for tall iced - Coffee, Pink-Drink, and White-Tea-Guava-Lemonade - then share a fresh croissant. Très bien! Under the Whitehurst Freeway a lithe young runner stretches eye-catchingly; miles later, Roadkill blushes to remember. We analyze the recovery-meal merits of pizza vs ramen vs crayfish - not to mention Violet Crumbles!

"You may have just solved my problem!" At mile 14 K2 dictates a text message to her DH re the potential answer to an upholstery challenge. Keymaster tiptoes into new distance territory as his training ramps up toward an October marathon.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-08-24